
Donate your 5x1000

For our foreign friends who pay taxes in Italy

Thanks to the law no. 266 of 23 December 2005, it is possible to contribute your 5 X mille of IRPEF to Associazione SONIA.

It is very easy. You only need to sign and write the codice fiscale of SONIA within the dedicated space of your income tax return. You will find it in the 730 form as well as in the UNICO and in the CUD. Please  ensure to complete the box dedicated to “Non Profit Organizations of social utility.

Please remember that the codice fiscale of SONIA is: 97271510584

It does not cost you anything. To give the 5 X mille does not cost you anything and does not have any impact on your choice of the recipient of the 8 x mille.

It is extremely useful. To devolve your 5 x mille does not cost anything to you but to the many beneficiaries of SONIA this small gesture will rekindle hope for a better life.

Disseminate this information via email to all your friends and acquaintances.