
Show you solidarity.

If you cannot help 100 people, at least help one!
You too would like to give a different gift, especially one that makes a difference?


You can help us by ordering solidarity gifts that will support one of our initiatives, or you can choose a gift amongst the bio-gifts of SONIA(click here to see Campo dei Forni list of products), produced by the azienda Campo di Forni.

We want you to be able to give unusual and beautiful gifts that not only will make your family and friends happy but, most of all, will make other people happy and will bring back their beautiful smiles.

Maybe you have never thought to give seeds or fruit trees as presents but they can be a wonderful gift for many families. Or a scholarship that would allow an orphan girl in DRC or in Kenya to attend school for one year! Or part of a canoe or a piece of land that would free the Bambuti of DRC from starvation and restore their dignity! These are just a few examples of the gifts that you can choose from SONIA’s gift list.

You will be able to find the present for every occasion and will discover at the same time how you can make many people happy at the same time: yourself, the person who gets the present and a child or a family.
SONIA’s gift list is full of presents aimed at changing the life of many people all over the world. The present you choose will go symbolically to your friend who will receive a nice postcard – a signed photograph - and, concretely, will benefit a family or a child of an area where SONIA works.

There are gifts for every pocket and, most of all, they will make a difference!

Up to €20

Sewing kits €20

Sewing kits €20

Fruit Seedlings € 20

Fruit Seedlings € 20

Seeds €15

Seeds €15

Students kit €12

Students kit €12

Tools €20

Tools €20

€20 to €40

1 set text ad note books €28

1 set text ad note books €28

Chickens €25

Chickens €25

Couple of piglets €30

Couple of piglets €30

Couple of lambs €30

Couple of lambs €30

A medical kit €40

A medical kit €40

€40 to €90

Lamps and Petrol €45

Lamps and Petrol €45

Piece of a canoe €60

Piece of a canoe €60

Cloth for Uniforms €65

Cloth for Uniforms €65

Set of School uniforms, shoes and bags €75

Set of School uniforms, shoes and bags €75

Part of a fishing set €85

Part of a fishing set €85

A meal a day for 30 children for a whole month €90

A meal a day for 30 children for a whole month €90

1 First aid kit €90

1 First aid kit €90

ABOVE €100

A year-long scholarship for an orphan €100

A year-long scholarship for an orphan €100

Sponsor a piece of land €150

Sponsor a piece of land €150

Sewing machine €150

Sewing machine €150

Choose your gift…

The present you choose will go to your friend with a postcard of your choice.